SvelteKit: Refresh a page after the slug changed with afterNavigate

Nov 1, 2022
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When I create a svelte component and want to fetch some data I mostly use the onMount lifecycle method. In my recent created maintenance buddy project I had a scenario where the user can navigate to the same page with a different slug. The problem was that the page didn’t update.

The following route displays details about a specific vehicle.



The code to refresh the vehicles had the following structure

	onMount(async () => {
        await refreshVehicle();

Why the selection of a new vehicle didn’t work

The Id of the route changed but the details of the vehicle didn’t. The problem was that the onMount didn’t execute because it was still the same page and a new mount wasn’t necessary.

The solution

After some research I found a pretty simple solution. I just had to substitute the onMount with afterNavigate. With a new slug the page doesn’t change and the onMount isn’t suitable to trigger a refresh. But the afterNavigate is triggered and I could refresh the vehicle data :)

	afterNavigate(async () => {
        await refreshVehicle();
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