PostgreSQL scheduled backup with crontab and pg_dump
Jun 17, 2022<
In my new project cashflow I use a PostgreSQL database to persist the data. This data is the main asset of the application.
Therefore it’s necessary to run a scheduled backup to avoid data loss. But it’s only a hobby project and in the beginning, I just want to have a simple solution.
I added a cron job at my virtual private server that hosts my project docker container. This job just creates a dump of the database using a postgres container with pg_dump
. Nothing more.
sudo apt install cron
sudo systemctl enable cron
crontab -e
// add backup statement
// if timestamps like %d are used, you have to escape them with => %d
0 4 * * * docker run -i postgres /usr/bin/pg_dump postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database> > <directory>/dump-"`date +"%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M"`".sql
crontab -l
This creates a dump of my database at 4 a.m.
- A dump isn’t encrypted
- Old dumps aren’t deleted (growing disk usage)